Monday, September 14, 2009

Recent Rounds of Infrastructure Grants

Over the course of several recent rounds of Provincial & Federal grants the following projects have received significant levels of funding:

Total Project Values:

$9,300,000 – Multi-Use Culture and Recreation Centre
$400,000 – Fire Station Addition
$880,000 – Library & Community Policing Building
$950,000 – Public Works Garage
$3,399,644 – Road Reconstruction
$2,189,775 - Upgrading of Multi-Use Culture and Recreation Centre ( upgrades to the Multi-Use Culture and Recreation Centre that hasn’t been completed yet )

Other initiatives currently under way include $6.5 million for a new Public School with Gym, Library and daycare.

Total Project Values: $23,619,419

Congratulations North Kawartha on your numerous successful funding applications for your entire community!

2006 Census Statistics-Canada data comparison:

North Kawartha:
   Population: 2,342
   Private Dwellings occupied by usual residents: 1,054
   Median Age: 51.2
   Persons under 18: 400

   Population: 8,828
   Private Dwellings occupied by usual residents: 3,018
   Median Age: 42.5
   Persons under 18: 1,960

To see how the North Kawartha council is positioning their township for the future, please read their Reeve’s remarks:

North Kawartha’s Reeve’s remarks:
“Your council is committed to moving our Township forward in the next 4 years and will be looking for opportunities for economic development. We will continue to apply for Grants and Transfer payments to keep improving our infrastructure and service to you.”

To see the 2009 Strategic Plan of North Kawartha:

To see a list of grants that communities across Ontario have just recently received, check out the following links:

Recreational Infrastructure Canada Program ( Ontario Recipients ):

Ontario Infrastructure Investments:

Infrastructure Stimulus Fund:

I would encourage everyone to do a quick search of these grant lists to see what townships across Ontario have been doing for their communities.

Has the Cavan-Monaghan council missed out on several glorious opportunities to benefit the ENTIRE community through recent infrastructure grants?  What is the 2009 Strategic Plan for the ENTIRE township of Cavan-Monaghan?  Is the council going to apply for grants and transfer payments to keep improving the infrastructure for the ENTIRE township of Cavan-Monaghan?

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